DONA International Approved Virtual Birth Doula Workshops
Are you ready to become a DONA International birth doula? Our professional, unique, and unparalleled teaching style ensures you will have the tools and resources necessary to start on your journey as a birth professional.
DONA International approved Birth Doula trainer since 2006, Tara Campbell, CD(DONA), BDT, LCCE has trained over 20,000 birth doulas nationwide. Tara offers an engaging and unique teaching style, allowing students the opportunity to learn in a supportive classroom environment
Tailoring teaching strategies to accommodate different learning styles can significantly enhance student engagement and comprehension. By incorporating various methods such as discussion, video, PowerPoint presentations, demonstrations, and storytelling, you can cater to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners alike.
​Workshops are taught virtually via the Zoom platform (students can attend any location they desire).​ To get credit for the workshop, you must complete it. Students must have their video on and participate in class discussions.
FAQ: Click here
We've been honored to teach at the following
*Harvard Medical School *Tufts Medical School * Birthwise Midwifery School * BirthRoots * Boston Public Health Commission* Northern Essex Community College* Haverhill High School * Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital * Plymouth State University * Maine Medical Center * Brandywine Counseling NJ * Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission * Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation * Rutland Regional Medical Center VT * Springfield Hospital VT * Willow Domestic Violence Center * Warrensville Community Baptist Church, OH * Enon’s Ministry, PA* Healthy Families, MA*
Haverhill High School, MA* Greely High School Cumberland, ME* Codman Academy MA
*ICO4MCH Sandhills NC* Nurse-Family Partnership PA * Siasplace, Fresno CA*
Contact us to find out more about becoming a Doula!

I recently took a Birth Doula Workshop through Birthing Gently. Not only did they make the material interesting and fun, they made space and time for all of the students to ask questions, share experiences, and interact. Our workshop was richer because the instructors knew how to teach, listen, and care. They came with a wealth of knowledge and experience and I left feeling filled and ready to share what I learned with birthing parents. I highly, highly recommend this training!
Lindsey Smith
3 Day Virtual DONA International Birth Doula Workshop $600.00
* 7 hr Introduction to Childbirth Education for new Doulas class.
* 16 hr approved DONA International Birth Doula Workshop
* Certificate issued upon completion
* 30 min Zoom group support check-in session one month post-workshop.
* Invitation to join our Facebook support group
Workshop Schedule:
Fridays 8:00am-4:00pm EST (Lunch 12pm-12:30pm & 2 -15min Breaks)
Sat/Sun 9:00am-6:30pm EST (Lunch 12pm-1pm & 2 -15min Breaks)
*Students can expect to spend between about 1-hr each night on homework assignments.
Session Dates
Workshop Information:
We are excited to offer 100% virtual workshops! While we are required by DONA International to list a location for each workshop, please note that this is solely for the purpose of helping students connect with others in a similar area to foster community-building after the workshop.
You are welcome to join any workshop listed, regardless of the specified location.
Important Reminder: Our workshops operate on Eastern Standard Time (EST). Please plan accordingly.
You are welcome to join any workshop listed, regardless of the specified location. We look forward to seeing you online!
​​​Sold out:
March 21-23
Charlotte, NC
April 11-13
Philadelphia, PA
May 16-18
Boston, MA
July 18-20
Boston, MA
Aug 8-10
Charlotte, NC
Sept 19-21
Philadelphia, PA
​Oct 3-5
Boston, MA
Nov 7-9
Hartford, CT
Nov 14-16
Charlotte, NC
Dec 5-7
Haverhill, MA​​​
Jan 23-25
Boston, MA
Breastfeeding For Professionals Class $150
This class fulfills DONA International breastfeeding education requirement for both birth and postpartum doulas. .
This 3-hour breastfeeding workshop covers the basics of breastfeeding and is offered to birth and postpartum-related professionals. Certificate issued upon completion.
Workshop Schedule
Fridays from 5:00pm-8:00pm EST
*Runs after the Birth Doula Workshop Ends
Session Dates
Workshop Information:
We are excited to offer 100% virtual workshops! While we are required by DONA International to list a location for each workshop, please note that this is solely for the purpose of helping students connect with others in a similar area to foster community-building after the workshop.
You are welcome to join any workshop listed, regardless of the specified location.
Important Reminder: Our workshops operate on Eastern Standard Time (EST). Please plan accordingly.
You are welcome to join any workshop listed, regardless of the specified location. We look forward to seeing you online!
​​March 21
Charlotte, NC
April 11
Philadelphia, PA
May 16
Boston, MA
July 18
Boston, MA
​​Aug 8
Charlotte, NC
Sept 19
Philadelphia, PA
​Oct 3
Boston, MA
Nov 7
Hartford, CT
Nov 14
Charlotte, NC
Dec 5
Haverhill, MA
Jan 23
Boston, MA
3-Day Virtual Birth Doula Training Workshop $600
Please indicate city and date of training during checkout
NOTE: When purchasing your class, please ensure you use the name and email address you want listed on your DONA certificate.
Class space is reserved after payment is received (Register Now button)
*Please read "Refund & Cancellation Policy" before making payment. Payment denotes agreement and secures your workshop seat.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
Once payment is made you agree to these terms
Refunds are ONLY given if a workshop is canceled. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Participants who are unable to attend the workshop and give advanced notice will have the option to transfer into any future workshop Birthing Gently has scheduled. Participant registration is also transferable to another person.
Participants unable to complete the workshop in its entirety due to a medical or family emergency can postpone the workshop by transferring into any future workshop Birthing Gently has scheduled.
Participants on a payment plan who are unable to complete the scheduled payments will be given a credit that can be applied to any future Workshop Birthing Gently has scheduled.
Breastfeeding for Professionals $150
Please indicate city and date of training during checkout​
NOTE: When purchasing your class, please ensure you use the name and email address you want listed on your DONA certificate.
Class space is reserved after payment is received (Register Now button)
*Please read "Refund & Cancellation Policy" before making payment.
Payment denotes agreement and secures your workshop seat.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
Once payment is made you agree to these terms
Refunds are ONLY given if a workshop is canceled. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Participants who are unable to attend the workshop and give advanced notice will have the option to transfer into any future workshop Birthing Gently has scheduled. Participant registration is also transferable to another person.
Participants unable to complete the workshop in its entirety due to a medical or family emergency can postpone the workshop by transferring into any future workshop Birthing Gently has scheduled.
Participants on a payment plan who are unable to complete the scheduled payments will be given a credit that can be applied to any future Workshop Birthing Gently has scheduled.
Prerequisites for DONA workshops include:
Read DONA International Birth and Postpartum Position Paper
Read “The Birth Partner: by Penny Simkin and Katie Rohs
Certificates of completion will be sent electronically once the student has:
Completed the DONA International workshop evaluation. Evaluation will be sent out via email from DONA International directly.
Doula will use another person (family/friend/colleague) to practice live on Zoom with the trainer offering guidance (during the workshop). OR The doula will submit a video/or photos back to the trainer demonstrating the skills on another person (family/friend/colleague) and discussing them with the trainer.
PAYMENT PLANS - Create your payment plan!
Email doula@birthinggently.com with the following:​
Your full name
The start date of the workshop you would like to attend
The deposit amount you will pay to hold your spot, we will invoice you via PayPal
The dates and amounts you would like to be invoiced for
You must be paid in full by the first day of class
Invite 2 other participants to register with you (friends, family, coworkers) and receive your tuition free!
Alternatively, the one free tuition could be used across all three participants to discount all participants' tuition.
All three participants DO NOT need to attend the same scheduled Birth Doula workshop dates.